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Web-Based Sales Training:
How to Survive and Thrive in the Digital World

Topics Discussed In Our Web-Based Sales Training & Coaching Programs Include


A few quick facts about web-based learning:

Web-based learning typically requires 40% to 60% less employee time than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting

After implementing a web-based learning program in their company, IBM found that participants learned nearly five times more material without increasing the time spent in training.

According to Molly Fletcher Company, organizations can achieve an 18% boost in employee engagement by implementing a web-bassed learning curriculum and environment

Web-based learning is good for the environment.  Britain’s Open University’s study found that producing and providing eLearning courses consumes an average of 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional face-to-face courses

Web-Based Sales Training Designed to Prepare Your Sales Force for the Web-Based World of Sales

A recent survey showed 90% of top-performing sales professionals say social networking platforms such as LinkedIn are important in closing deals and are a significant part of their sales strategy.

The same survey revealed 72% of sales reps are active on LinkedIn for business purposes, compared to 67% on Facebook and 45% on Twitter.

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, a majority of successful sales professionals did most of their best work online. It makes sense because we now know there is almost no generation gap when it comes to purchasing products and services online. 


Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, a majority of successful sales professionals did most of their best work online. It makes sense because we now know there is almost no generation gap when it comes to purchasing products and services online.

Here are some interesting pre-COVID numbers:

  • 70% of Baby Boomers used mobile apps to research companies and products
  • 83% of Gen Xers used mobile apps for this purpose
  • For Millennials and Gen Zers, that number was above 90%

Plus, all age-groups are showing an inclination towards purchasing products and services without being influenced by traditional salespeople. Here are some more revealing pre-COVID statistics:

  • 80% of Boomers bought online without ever speaking to a salesperson
  • 86% of Gen Xers did the same thing
  • 95% of Millennials and Gen Zers never spoke to a sales rep

As more and more of our lives move online, it is important your sales professionals receive web-based sales coaching to prepare them for their new reality.

As an increasing amount of our time is spent online, it is important that sales professionals receive web-based sales training and coaching to prepare them for this new reality.

Sales reps must get used to doing things in a web-based setting if they hope to be successful. Second, web-based selling is different than traditional selling, and it requires new skills to be learned and mastered.

Overall changes in consumer behavior are largely the same regardless of the specific type of consumer. For example, new trends in purchasing by consumers are also being seen in B2B (Business to Business) transactions.

One of the biggest changes has been with regard to the role consumers see the sales professional playing in transactions today. The days of sales reps being viewed as the authority on a product are largely over. Today, it is easy for customers to conduct their own research online. In a matter of minutes, they can find non-biased reports or reviews and other details on the benefits or advantages of one product or company over another.

Why web-based sales training programs?

The answer to that question comes in two parts:

  1. Because they may as well get used to doing things online if they hope to be successful online
  2. Because web-based selling is a different ballgame to traditional selling, and it requires a few additional skills.

Web-Based Relationships Close Sales

Companies that are successful at web-based selling have sales professionals that are skilled at making themselves part of the purchaser’s journey rather than the guide. This journey usually starts with a web-based search followed by pouring over online reviews or using social media to ask their friends or followers about the product or service.

By providing your sales teams people with access to first-class web-based sales training, they will be better able to insert themselves into that journey by becoming your prospect’s “companion.” They will also learn valuable modern selling skills such as how to stay part of the journey after the sale.


Web-based buying habits are different 

As many as 20% of all sales professionals out there right now do not have the skills they need to succeed in the modern sales environment.

A certified and experienced web-based sales trainer will teach your reps how to approach selling like a doctor diagnosing a patient’s symptoms.

A few more interesting stats about web-based buying habits:

  • 25% of Boomers prefer to use online chat to get preliminary questions answered. For Gen X, that number is 85% while for Millennials and Gen Z, it’s more than 90%
  • Over 50% of Boomers make purchases on social media. For the younger age-groups, that number is higher than 90%

Because of the  COVID-19 pandemic, the future got here a little sooner than we all expected. That being the case, if you want your salespeople to excel in this new world, you’re going to need a web-based sales coach to provide them with the web-based sales training they’ll need to continue growing and thriving.

Web-based sales training statistics that sales leaders should know

  • A survey of 2,500 sales organizations found that those with “comprehensive web based sales coaching programs” have 218% higher revenue per sales representative and 24% higher profit margins.
  • Web-Based Sales Training increases retention rates by 25% to 60%.
  • Web-BaseedSales Coaching can increase the income of sales reps by up to 42%
 (Sources: eLearning Industry & Statistica)

Here are a few facts about the growing phenomenon of dig web-based sales:

  • 80% of Boomers purchase without ever speaking to a sales rep
  • 86% of Gen X do the same thing
  • 95% of Millennials and Gen Z prefer to use self-serve online portals

Web-Based Buying Habits Are Not The Same

Given that today’s consumer prefers to do their own research and find their own answers, the importance of providing effective web-based sales training to your employees has never been more critical.

Going forwards, while traditional sales skills will continue to be important, your sales teams have different parts to play to successfully create a 360-degree well-rounded sales team. Connecting your sales reps with a certified web-based sales trainer is an important step in their continued education.

Today’s buyers and potential clients are less likely to call and ask to have a sales professional talk them through the benefits of a particular product or service. Providing your salespeople with access to industry-leading web-based sales training programs allows them to learn how to navigate this latest iteration of the prospecting stage.


Web-Based Sales Skills Training Revolves Around

Sales Relationship

Areas of Focus for Web-Based Sales Training & Coaching

  • Tactical Sales Auditing and Organizational Assessments
  • Programs that develop and train the sales management force
  • Creating parallel goals and objectives between sales professionals and the organizations they work for, generating a definite advantage.
  • Mentoring the sales staff and management staff and designing custom programs to help meet set goals and objectives.
  • Developing a new and elite sales process that revolves around a performance-driven team.
  • Consulting and further mentoring the entire organization and sales force to improve interconnectedness to stabilize your process.
  • Breaking down problems into their simplest forms to create effective solutions.

Additional Areas of Focus for Web-Based Sales Training & Coaching

  • Understanding Sales Objections
  • Prospecting and Territory Management
  • Opening the Sales Call
  • What To Ask and How To Listen
  • Presenting Solutions, Overcoming Objections, and Closing the Sale
  • Developing Clients for Life
  • Sales Coaching for Performance

All web-based sales training and coaching content is customized and specifically developed for each organization and industry that we work with.

The term “instant gratification” almost doesn’t apply to how quickly people want things done these days. So, if your customer has to click through 15 Google links to get the information they want, you’re probably going to lose their business.

An effective web-based sales trainer or coach knows this, so be sure to ask specific questions about how long they intend to spend on each topic before investing in their web-based sales training services.

Ironically, this is going to involve you becoming a web-based customer just like the ones you’re going to be attracting in the digital world. All things considered, it’s a great place to start.

Superb management is critical to the success of any sales organization.

Our Web-Based Sales Training and Coaching Helps Sales Managers Improve


Job Gratification

Overall Moral


Leadership Skills

Our Web-Based Sales Training and Coaching Also Focuses On Decreasing

Call Reluctance

Unprofitable Business

Turnover Rate

Inefficient Sales Process

Fear of Rejection

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