October 12th, 2015

Doing More with Sales Teams

If you hope to succeed in the world of sales, you must have a skilled sales team in place. Personal selling is a thing of the past, because it does not even come close to driving the same level of results as what teams accomplish. When teams collaborate for the good of the company as a whole, rather than to meet individual goals, great things can happen. Not only do you have to engage your team in sales training and add new sales personnel often to succeed, you have to offer continual training for your sales employees that already exist as well. This is the only way to ensure that your sales employees are up to date on the latest sales strategies and trends.

Personal Selling vs. Team Selling

Companies that work on a sales team model, instead of personal selling, find that employees are much happier overall, their mental attitudes are much more positive, and they perform greater than those who work alone to reach their sales quotas or goals. Productivity is the ultimate goal. If your sales staff works alone, it is unlikely they will have the same level of motivation that they would have in working as part of a team. The important thing to do is to evaluate your sales force, to determine where things need to be improved. To evaluate your team effectively, try using a sales skills index assessment. If you expect your sales teams to achieve success, then you absolutely must listen to their input. If they feel as if they are part of the solution, then they will be inspired to reach for new heights.

Sales Teams and Productivity

Sales productivity can be tricky. Companies have found that working with sales teams can improve their sales long-term. Companies that do not use teams find that although their sales figures may look good on paper, they could suffer in the long run if sales members are offering subpar service. Individual sales members just do not have the same level of knowledge as teams do. When great minds collaborate together, overall sales are greatly improved. It is clear that teams are the way to go when companies are building their sales forces. Having a solid sales force can mean the difference between soaring profits and negative balance sheets. Spend the time to make your sales staff great.

Start doing more with sales teams that you manage!

Happy Selling!

October 9th, 2015

Doug Dvorak now joins the “Elite Ranks” as a Certified Executive Coach.

Doug Dvorak attended the Integrity Executive Coaching Certification in Scottsdale, AZ. Doug now joins the “Elite Ranks” as a Certified Executive Coach.

Integrity Coaching® is a developmental process that equips managers with the knowledge, skills, and tools to improve sales performance and develop people to their highest potential. It is based on the belief that coaching begins with building people.

Integrity Coaching Includes:

  • A simple 5-step coaching system
  • Strategies for coaching different Behavioral Styles
  • An eight-week follow-up course with accountability for application
  • A leadership model that focuses on achieving a balance between developing people and reaching goals
  • Strategies for breaking the Law of Limited Performance

Sales Leaders who participate in Integrity Coaching will:

  1. Develop stronger coaching skills
  2. Build performance through building people
  3. Empower people to solve problems and make decisions
  4. Keep people from plateauing
  5. Help people develop strong goal clarity

Integrity Coaching Principles

Integrity Coaching is based on the fundamental beliefs that coaching is:

  • Building people and helping them build your team and organization
  • Identifying potential in people
  • Helping people set goals and accomplish them
  • Believing in someone at a greater level than they believe in themselves
  • Equipping people to become self-sufficient in their growth
  • Sincerely caring about the success of others and investing time and energy to promote that success
  • Helping others develop a sense of purpose and vision for their professional and personal life
  • Working with someone to identify meaningful, tangible, and attainable goals

Timeline for Behavior Change

The objective to Integrity Coaching is to support the consistent application of new coaching behaviors. Coaching processes and tools are introduced in highly interactive one-day seminar.

Skills are reinforced during a structured eight-week follow-up course where participants practice developmental coaching, report on progress, and learn from coaching experiences of their peers. These one-hour follow-up modules can be delivered through classroom, teleconference, or webinar.

Integrity Coaching timeline

October 6th, 2015

September 28th, 2015

How to Avoid Sales Malpractice

Learn how to avoid sales malpractice for sustained success and long lasting client relationships. Sales reps have a few commonalities with doctors. When sales reps see a client they are there to solve a problem. Like a doctor your product/service is the medicine that will solve a problem for your client. And like a doctor sales reps need to ask the right questions to determine what product your clients need. When they do not ask the right questions, or worse do ask the questions but choose not to listen, you are providing your clients with the wrong “medicine”. In other words you are providing them with the wrong solution and they simply will not buy from your rep.

The Right Diagnosis

In order to serve your clients properly your team has to ask the right questions in order to provide clients with the right solution. Many clients will be able to provide information without too much prodding. However, if you have an arsenal of questions for your reps designed to zone in on the client’s needs, they will be able to make the right diagnosis in order to best serve that prospects needs. Just as a patient decides to take their medicine to feel better, a client will buy a product or service to ease their problems. Provide your sales team with proper sales training that will enable them to diagnose their prospects correctly, learn more about sales training here. This is a great first step in learning how to avoid sales malpractice.

The Right Explanation

A good doctor will review a patient’s condition with them and let them know some of the possible outcomes if they do not take proper care of their health issues. Likewise a good sales rep will have suggestions and answers and be able to use the possible negative outcomes of not having a certain product or service to explain why a client would benefit from what they are selling. The truth of the matter is that you can’t sell something that a client doesn’t need just like a doctor can’t prescribe a medicine or treatment a patient doesn’t need. Your reps can get away with it, but it will not do much for your company’s reputation or help you build a trusting long lasting repeat relationship with clients. Learn how your sales reps can improve their sales process by taking a sales skills assessment – Learn More Here.

Research and Answers

When your reps do their research they will often be able to discover the underlying causes of a client’s issues which in turn will put them in a better position to provide them with the best possible service or product to make their lives easier. Providing clients with services that make their lives easier leads to healthy relationships.


Keynote speaker and sales trainer Doug Dvorak uses 20 years of sales and sales training experience to help sales teams reach their full potential and stay focused on success. Visit salescoach.us for information.

September 21st, 2015

5 Step Process to Cultivating & Capitalizing on the Client Relationship

As many people know, in sales; finding success is very much about building relationships. Even the most profitable and successful sales pros know that without taking the time to develop strong relationships with their customers; they will not find success. It is important to take steps to cultivate and capitalize on client relationships so that you can build a strong bond with your client. This will result in future success.

Step One: Cultivate By Networking

You can’t build strong client relationships without first getting the clients. Start looking for clients by networking. Asking for referrals and reaching out to people through mutual contacts is also a great way to begin a client relationship.

Step Two: Develop a Client Relationship Base

Before you can capitalize on the fact that you have a strong relationship with your client you will want to start building a strong client relationship. Asking questions and getting to know the client and what their needs and wants are is a great start. Go the extra distance and offer them free advice and your professional opinion whenever possible.This way you well be sure to earn their trust; proving that you are trying to do more than just close a sale.

Step Three: Get Sales By Offering Them What They Want

Once you have developed a strong relationship with a client you can start capitalizing on that relationship to get the sales you are looking for. However, before closing a sale you will want to make sure that you keep your customer happy to show them your loyalty. Don’t be afraid to offer incentives, gifts, discounts and more, especially if they are a repeat customer. Keeping old customers happy is often easier than getting new ones.

Step Four: Making Sure Your Client is Happy

After you have closed the sale you should always take the time to make sure that the client is happy. Take time to sit down with them and see if there is anything else you can do or anything else you could have done to make them happy. Keep in mind that a happy customer is a customer that will give you referrals.

Step Five: Building an Ongoing Relationship

Closing a sale based on a strong client relationship is not the end of the sales process; there is still more that needs to be done. You will want to make sure that you always end a sale not by saying ‘goodbye’ but by saying ‘see you soon’. You should always expect that you have built a strong relationship with your client and that you will be able to turn to this client again for a sale.


Join our sales training program now to see how we help you cultivate your relationship with new clients!