November 7th, 2016

How Sales Beliefs and Behaviors Drive Results

Beliefs and behaviors can dramatically improve sales results. Beliefs are what forms behaviors. They will dictate how you react to particular situations. The way you portray yourself when trying to make a sale will be noticed by the customer. Even if you are trying to make a sale over the telephone, they will pick up on the vibes that you give off. If you don’t really believe in your product or service, then your customer probably won’t either. If you are passionate about the product you are selling, then they may want to learn more. In order to increase sales, you must have the ability to be flexible in changing your mind. If you are seeing good results, then your beliefs are probably ok. If you receive no sales, time and time again, then you may need to rethink your beliefs and how you behave.

Beliefs Drive Actions and Actions Drive Results

The sales industry is tough, and wanting good results isn’t enough. It also isn’t enough to work harder on the assumption that hard work alone will produce results. You can present to all of the clients that you want, but if you aren’t doing discovery work to know the products you are selling, you probably won’t believe in your product enough to be able to pitch it correctly. Believing in yourself and your sales performance will help boost your confidence to conduct your sales pitch. To be able to have a great performance in sales, you must be able to change your beliefs. Don’t be stubborn about making changes. Many people don’t like change in general, but in this case it is essential. Once your beliefs have changed, you then have the ability to change your actions. Change is the best way to get great results.

Things to Consider

If you hope to improve your overall sales performance, there are a couple of things that you will need to consider. The first thing you will need to do is to determine what strongly held beliefs are serving you well, and which ones aren’t. You will then need to determine what actions those beliefs cause you to take or not to take. Another thing to consider is the performance of others. If you know someone that is already producing excellent sales results, then maybe you should contact them to see what they are doing. Knowledge is the key, and you need to adapt to change to make things better for yourself and your sales department.

Related Post: Embrace Change & Manage A Smooth Transition

October 31st, 2016

Which Title And Skill Set Will Best Serve Your Sales Organization?

If you are like many companies, you want to employ the right people for the job. However, there are many titles and positions out there, making it harder to figure out which one you need and which skill set will best serve your sales organization. Therefore, you should consider the differences between a chief sales officer (CSO), Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) or a Chief Customer Officer (CCO). Each of these titles is different and will provide you with a different set of skills.


A CSO or a sales director is one of the highest managers in the organization. They are responsible for marketing and sales. They deal with marketing, sales of products/services, customer relationship management and decide how to best align the company’s objectives with customer needs. Their primary responsibility is to sell services and goods and also plan how to best sell those goods/services. They work together with the CEO to set product portfolios and strategies and work to balance the organization’s needs with the customer’s. They may also determine the best channels to use and how to maintain strategic relationships with clients.


The CRO is an executive officer responsible for the processes relating to revenue generation in the organization. They are tasked with integration and alignment of all revenue-related tasks, which can include customer support, pricing, sales, marketing and revenue management.

They will work with your company’s executive team to communicate and create the company vision and then use that vision as part of their long-term strategy for creating new opportunities and markets.


The CCO is a newer title that has recently gained popularity over the past decade. They usually focus on customer retention, acquisitions, service, and relationships. They must figure out how to keep current customers, as well as how to get new ones and implement activities that will keep them happy. They can then help salespeople and others in the company understand what to do and how to do it.

In many cases, the Chief Customer Officer will also be a CRO or a CSO, especially in smaller companies. If you’re wondering which one you need, you likely need all three. If you want sales to grow, you’ll need someone to understand customers, someone who knows how to generate revenue and someone who knows how to get more sales.

October 13th, 2016

General Negotiation Tactics To Help You In Sales & Life

Let’s discuss problems and a few methods to help you overcome them successfully, otherwise known as negotiation tactics, or getting people to see things from your point of view while listening to them in an equally respective manner.

There are many ways to go about dealing with disagreements and problems that occur between 2 people, a group of people or several groups of people. To begin, there is usually a misunderstanding that creates tension which results in anger and other negative emotions.

In order to deal with a problem, start to look at the “human being” you are arguing with or talking to, rather than concentrating on the problem. Both of you have emotions, values, and morals that back up your stance on the problem or issue at hand. Each person wants to reach an agreement that is beneficial to their cause, but also lets them keep their self-respect and feel good about the outcome. Keeping a good sense of composure and professionalism is the ultimate way to resolve any negotiation situation.
Deal with each problem sensitively. Separate the relationship from the substance and deal directly with the people problem. When you begin to do this, you can truly explore rational solutions. This helps you avoid argument by showing the other party that your main goal is to come up with a solution that makes both parties happy.
Separating Your Relationship from the Problem:

  • You must maintain accurate and realistic expectations. Each person will not get everything that they want.
  • You must communicate openly and clearly. Each party needs to know all the details that back up the reasoning behind your point of view.
  • You must control and maintain your emotions. When emotions get involved, it can create personal problems between the two parties that distracts them from coming up with a best solution.
  • Your approach should always be forward-looking. You are looking to solve a problem and you should always be moving forward together to help come up with a solution together!

General negotiation tactics are traits that almost every good sales person has. Keep practicing and you will continue to improve.

September 26th, 2016

Top Qualities of Top Earners In Sales

Sales is a cut throat industry and many people are not cut out for it. In the sales industry about 80% of the money that is earned is earned by the top 20% of the industries sales professionals.

Here are some of the top qualities of the top earners in sales, the 20% that bring in 80% of the revenue.

1. Overcome Fears

You must overcome your fear of objection and actual learn to seek out failure because that is the only way to be successful. The more no’s you receive when you are out selling, the more yes’s you will get, there is a direct correlation. In order to get rid of fear, you must do the things that you fear!

Try this, call 100 people as fast you can! See how many no’s you can get. Every time you reach a certain number of no’s (let’s say 50 no’s) reward yourself. You must be able to see no’s as a positive thing, you must not see rejection as a negative, but a positive.

2. Ambition

They have an intense desire to be successful. They are always aiming to improve their position and their sales numbers. They look at what successful people do and try to immolate that. They rarely criticize others or complain about their current situation. They are always aiming to improve their situation and better themselves. They are very ambitious and anxious to learn more, additionally, they are very goal driven.

3. Make a Complete Commitment

Unfortunately, the bottom 80% always mentally have one foot out of the door. They are always looking around for something else or some excuse. However, the top earners have the mental attitude of “I will be successful no matter what it takes”. They realize that they are responsible for their success and they take full responsibility to achieve it. Committing yourself to improving and doing your best in your sales tasks is the best way to work your way up to becoming a top-earning sales rep.

4. Authentic

Top earners practice making themselves better and improving their weaknesses so that they can be themselves on any sales call. Being your authentic self is important because people buy from people that they know and trust. Showing your prospect and client your authentic proves that you are human. This takes practice! It is not just as simple as being yourself, you must practice your weaknesses and improve your strengths so that you can stop pitching your product and start solving clients’ business problems.

Are you looking to hire “A” players for your sales team? Here are some tips on what you should be doing to put together your sales dream team. Sales Recruiting: How To Hire & Retain “A” Players For Your Sales Team

Learn more about executive sales recruiting to hire candidates that ensure the success of your company.

September 22nd, 2016

Being Your Authentic Self on the Sales Call

A good opening impacts the rest of the sales call.

By being yourself during the opening sales call you will be seen as more sincere. You must also demonstrate that you are confident and you must engage your customer/prospect. By doing this you are demonstrating the traits of a true professional sales rep and will be able to close more sales.

It’s important to be your authentic self so that your client can get to know you. A prospect or client likes to buy from someone they know and trust. If you are confident, sincere and engaging while you are being your authentic self, you are more likely to win the business.

To improve levels of confidence and demonstrate the traits of sincerity and to engage your customer, make sure that you practice your opening sales call.

Learn more about the benefits of a positive opening sales call! 

Happy Selling! 

The Sales Coaching Institute