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Executive Sales Leadership Training and Coaching Program
Develop Your Leaders to Inspire Your Team & Grow Your Company

Don’t Forget to Coach the Executives

The titles Sales Executive and Sales Manager have become so interchangeable that most people working in sales – including many who should know better – believe they’re the same thing. Spoiler Alert: They are definitely not the same thing!

The Sales Coaching Institute’s executive sales leadership training program is specifically designed to create solutions to the challenges faced in an executive sales leadership role.

The Sales Coaching Institute’s Executive Sales Leadership Training & Coaching program prepares executives to take charge of their leadership by learning new leadership strategies while practicing and discovering their own leadership style. Our programs are customized and designed for each individual so that they may become the best sales executive they can possibly be.

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Tune The Engine That Powers Your Business

Prepare Yourself & Your Team with The Sales Coaching Institutes Executive Sales Leadership Training Program. Our program is personalized for every employee and their unique situation, allowing for the best possible learning experience.

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Executive Sales Leadership Topics

The Sales Coaching Institute’s executive sales leadership training topics are listed below. We customize each of our training sessions to ensure the most important topics for your executives are covered in-depth.

  • Learn Proven Strategic Sales Coaching Methods That Boost Performance
Connecting Team

Learn our proven process to motivate and engage sales team members to achieve their revenue objectives

Strategy & Planning

Learn how to architect and execute a successful sales strategy

  • Hire and retaining the best sales talent for success
Assessing Sales Performance

Executive Sales Leadership Training Program

Scaling New Heights in Sales Coaching and Executive Performance

Business Outcomes

Create a hyper focused vision & mission statement to share and implement with your team.

Set measurable goals and objectives that you and your team can follow to ensure the success of your vision & mission statement.

Learn how to manage change & resistance to change.

Develop plans and methodologies to ensure your team is motivated to continuously exceed client expectations.

Provide fresh insights into the structure of a world-class sales strategy and how that strategy can be supported effectively from a sales executive leadership role.

Learning Objectives

Create an environment within your organization that delivers measurable growth and results through continuous improvement, development, and dedication.

Inspire your sales managers to manage and lead their sales teams to the best of their abilities.

Set a clear and concise vision and mission statement to clarify goals, align your team, and set the direction for the future of your organization.

Differentiate leadership and management to better understand the roles they play within your organization.

Coach for peak performance and run powerful and meaningful sales meetings.

Program Duration

45-60 Minutes

2-4 Hour Breakout Session

6-8 Hour Full Day Training

Multi-Day Training

As a sales executive, you are responsible for equipping your sales team with the tools, resources, training, and, opportunities to operate at their full potential.

Who Benefits from The Sales Coaching Institute’s Executive Sales Leadership Training & Coaching Program?

The skills needed to be an effective salesperson or manager are simply not the same as those required to be a successful sales executive and leader. By not providing access to executive sales coaching programs, executive sales coaching training and executive sales leadership coaching programs, companies are limiting their employees’ chances of being successful and hurting themselves in the process.

As is so often the case in business today, many companies have combined the responsibilities of these two senior sales positions into one role – usually to reduce payroll costs. However, this move can backfire as the two jobs require different skill sets and it is not easy to find one person with an equal aptitude for both (think introvert versus extrovert).

In general, Sales Managers are inwardly focused as they supervise the daily management of a company’s sales staff while Sales Executives are outwardly focused responsible for a company’s overall sales strategy and developing client relationships.

Sales Managers vs Sales Executives

The Manager

Sales Managers are only as good as the teams they manage. They must define tasks, set achievable objectives and maintain control over their teams. Good people skills alone are not enough. They need to be practical and take a logical approach to planning for success and helping their teams maximize results.

A Sales Manager must translate a company’s mission, values and vision into a clear game-plan that their teams can get excited about and devote themselves to. If they get it right, a manager can transform a mediocre sales team into an effective selling machine in little to no time.

This must be the primary goal for any Sales Manager as they are only as good as their team. Revenue generation is the No. 1 goal for any sales team and it is the manager’s job to make sure targets are being met or exceeded. The manager’s job is to make sure their entire team is rowing in the same direction towards the company’s sales goals.

The Executive

In contrast, Sales Executives – in addition to being responsible for sales strategy – are usually the key point of contact between an organization and its clients. Their typical responsibilities include:

Attending trade shows and conferences

Organizing sales visits

Keeping accurate records

Setting monthly or annual targets

Demonstrating and presenting products

Generating new business

Performance reviews

Contract negotiations

A truly gifted Sales Executive can be difficult for companies to identify from within their existing talent pool because so many of the skills they will need to be successful in their new role are not evident if they are currently a rank and file member of your sales team.

On the other hand, Sales managers are relatively straightforward to identify because they have successfully climbed through the ranks of your sales team and they are intimately familiar with how things work from the inside out.

If you are forced to promote a salesperson and give them both sets of responsibilities, things might not go smoothly if they do not have a natural aptitude for thinking and planning proactively to grow your organization from the outside in. Our executive sales leadership training program can help your sales manager become a sales executive.

Where to go from here? Follow the leaders!

Leading companies know that the right executive sales coaching programs, executive sales coaching training, and executive sales leadership coaching programs to develop and enhance the newly required skillset is critical to their success.

Leading companies are very good at providing access to ongoing training and coaching to their existing sales executives, so they can continue to improve and provide increasingly greater value to the company.

Whether you’re hiring a new Sales Executive, promoting from within or assigning Sales Executive responsibilities to a manager, do your homework and invest in executive sales leadership training and coaching. This will equip your sales executive with the skills they will need to overcome any new challenges they will face. Successful executives that are also great leaders know their value lies not only in managing teams and running organizations, but in inspiring others, setting purposeful goals, executing strategic visions, and creating cultures of excellence.

Improve Your Sales Executives Careers & Ensure the Success & Growth of Your Company

The Sales Coaching Institutes world class sales professionals have successful real-world experience that your executives will be able to learn from. Your sales executives will expand their leadership talent and the expertise needed to take charge and direct the company towards achieving its primary sales objectives. Beyond providing a sales executive leadership program, we also provide all clients with useful tools and knowledge to lead your organization to new heights.

Download Our Latest eBook for Free ($20 Value)

Download "A Sales Leaders Guide to Success"

Sales Leadership Training

Any valued member of your sales team you want to grow into a sales leadership role

Sales Executive Training

An underperforming sales executive

Sales Skills Training

Someone new to the leadership role, who is missing some of the skills or tools to properly lead as an executive


A skilled sales leader whose attitude can use some adjustment, so they can realize their true potential

Learn More About Our Executive Sales Leadership Training Program

The Sales Coaching Institute supports your team to reach your sales goals.