December 23rd, 2015

Best-in-Class Selling: How to Stay Ahead of Your Competition

There is no denying the underlying competitive nature that classifies today’s sales world. As a sales professional you should always be looking for ways to stay ahead of your competition and to truly become the ‘best in class’ so that you can flourish and enjoy your career. Engaging in best-in-class selling techniques is straightforward but will take effort.

Here are some tips to help you become a best-in-class sales professional.

Research & Prepare

First, you will want to make sure that you have researched your services and products and that you know them like the back of your hand. This may seem like selling 101, but this is something that can really help you become the best and something that many busy sales professionals will overlook. Knowing the in-depth details of what you are selling will help you answer any questions that will come your way. It doesn’t matter how crafty you are or how engaging you are as a sales professional; if you do not know the product inside and out you are bound to miss some opportunities to bring in new business.

Show Enthusiasm (it’s contagious)

Second, always show enthusiasm in everything you do. Engaging in best-in-class selling means engaging in selling that is surrounded by interest and passion for those products and services you sell. This excitement will transfer to the customer and help peak their interest and levels of engagement.

Cultivate Client Relationships

Finally, always build your relationships with your customers. Your customers should feel as though you respect them and what they have to say and that you are providing them with a product or service because it will better their lives. If you want to be considered a ‘best-in-class’ sales expert, then you need to show them that you understand their needs as a customer and that you are there to provide them with a service that they will truly benefit from. Always check in on your clients and always ask them if they are happy or if you can do anything else to help them out.

The Sales Coaching Institute engages in best in class selling techniques. Find out more about the professional sales coaching services and sales training programs. Visit them at to find out more.

Learn about sales keynotes for best-in-class selling here.

December 22nd, 2015

5 Sales Strategy Execution Ideas to Drive Revenue

Here are some great sales strategy execution ideas to drive revenue to your business. Strategy execution is definitely a trending management topic right now. Many CEOs are concerned with it because it is one of the most challenging issues, especially within the sales profession. However, some companies and managers aren’t sure of what it is, other than implanting a strategic plan and executing against your plan. Execution is implemented and completed with strategies, people and operations. You must have all three to have a great sales team. Here are five sales strategy execution ideas to help you drive revenue, so find the one that fits your needs and start working on it as soon as possible.

Find Growth

Growing your business is one of the only ways to drive healthy revenue to your business. You’ve got to be bigger and better than the competition to ensure that you stay on top. You can do this by constantly being on the look out for new trends in your industry. This is a great way to grow within the existing markets, branching out into a new or different market and drilling into big data.

Serve Your Customers

Your customers are your priority, and you should work with them instead of for them. Using multiple channels to serve your customers will help drive sales. Trying different tactics, such as smartphone paying apps and online buying with in-store pickup are the things your customers want. If you serve your customers better than other companies, you will succeed. Set yourself apart from other companies by going the extra mile when serving your customers, it will create a lasting and positive impression on your client and can even lead to recommendations to generate more clients.

Sales Coaching or Sales Training

Your sales engine is a primary part of the revenue-driving field. If you don’t have the sales management or sales force talent, you’ll lose business. Learning about various strategies and methods can boost the morale of the team and help them perform better. If their weaknesses prevent them from selling, consider working through those weaknesses with a sales coach or with the help of formal sales training.

Focus On People

Whether you are a small or large business, you have to focus on all people, not just your employees and customers. Sometimes, giving back to your community is enough to gain the respect of new customers or renew the respect of current ones. Focusing all your attention and money on the company, customers and community can lead to greater revenues and fewer problems. Learn to motivate your employees in five simple steps.


Change can be difficult and unwanted by many. Employees are always scared of change, but once it’s over, you’ve weeded out the bad seeds and gained a new perspective. However, sometimes the shareholders and managers are the ones scared about some new change. However, implementing those difficult changes can help you beat your completion and drive new revenue opportunities to your business.

Learn more about adapting to change by changing your mindset.

Learning five different sales strategy execution ideas can help drive revenue for your business.

December 15th, 2015

3 Reasons to Become a Sales Rep

If you’re considering a career in sales, there are many reasons to take that first step and apply for a sales position. If you hone your skills and become an expert in the craft it can be a very lucrative job. It requires hard work, dedication, perseverance, creativity and people skills. These may all seem like daunting criteria, but in order to succeed at other jobs you are required to have the same work ethic. If you have a good work ethic as described in the previous requirements, sales may be for you. Here are some great reasons to become a sales rep.

Job Securityjob-security

Money makes the world go round, and is the reason most people get a job. Manufacturers everywhere have products to sell they need sales people to sell their product. Insurance, cable, satellite TV, Internet, phone plans, and company services are all things you cannot physically go to the store and buy, but still need to be sold. This is where you as a sales rep would come in, and the company that needs their product sold will pay you big money to sell their products for them.


There are a few different ways a sales rep gets paid and they all depend on how much you sell. Commissions are a percentage of the profit Hands-Giving-Moneyfrom the sale. Some companies will pay you for your time and give you a percent of the profits from everything you sell. You are in control of your paycheck, but it never falls below a certain rate due to the hourly pay. Did you know that some sales reps make double digit incomes every month? Some sales positions are commission only, but they offer higher percentage commissions in most cases. Another form of pay is a base price per item sold. For example a company who sells cars may pay you 100 dollars for every compact car, $150 for every sedan, $250 for every truck and $300 for every SUV you sell. This is a very lucrative business and there is a lot of money to be made in sales. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain in selling. You are in control of your finances. The sky is the limit. If you find yourself needing more money, you don’t have to go beg your boss for a raise, just get out there work harder and sell more.


Most companies offer bonuses to their sales reps. Who doesn’t love bonuses? There are many types of bonuses offered Some bonuses come in the form of milestone payouts. For example, the 5 sells reps who sell the most in one month get a 500 dollar bonus, and the next 5 will get 300 dollars. Another type of bonus is the incentive bonus. This is where a company would set a number for you to sell and when you reach it you get a payout. An example of an incentive bonus would be your employer will pay you an extra 50 dollars every time you sell 100 products. This is their way of encouraging you to sell more of their products and everyone wins. The next kind of bonus is where the company offers a percentage of the profit divided among the reps every month, quarter, year or other predetermined amount of time. For example, if you sell over 300 products in a month the company would pay you 2 percent of the company’s profit from the month and if you sell between 100 and 299 products they pay you 1.2 percent. Many companies even offer a yearly bonus to their top sales rep in the form of trips, cruises, cars and cold hard cash. At Mary Kay the top sales reps always receive a Mary Kay pink Cadillac.

December 7th, 2015

Utilize the Right Sales Tools to Help Close More Sales

You should use a variety of tools to help you make your sales. Using a variety of tools can help you track online visitors, habits and conversions by using various tools and sophisticated technology. It is important to understand how you can use different sales tools to help close more sales. Here are some tools you should be using.

Google Keywords

Google makes it easy for companies to figure out which keywords they should use for PPC advertisements and SEO efforts. They offer a keyword tool so you can track the words that drive the most traffic, which can result in more sales and give you more information to track sales analytics in the future. Once you know those keywords, you can use them more frequently in your content to attract customers and prospects. Incorporating the right keywords will put your website and company name at the front of the most viewed search engine pages.

YouTube Analytics

Because Google owns YouTube, it now includes a sales analytics tool to track how well your videos are doing. It can tell you how many views you have, the visitor types, where they’re coming from and so much more. If you don’t already feature videos on your website, you may want to consider doing so, as more and more people want visuals that they can interact with and watch, instead of just reading.


There are websites that create surveys. You can use these sites to create customized surveys for your company. You can place them on your site or even email them to customers and potentials. They only take a few minutes to fill out, and most people want to voice their opinions anyway.


Networking is one of the best tools you can use to generate new sales and help you close them. If you can find ways to talk to others and incorporate these sales analytics into your daily lives, you’ll build up your customer base and be able to go after them using all the tools that can create excitement for what you’re offering.

Sharing Files/Collaboration

Sharing an attractive presentation with targeted customers is one of the best ways to generate interest. Sales analytics tools can help identify your client base. Sharing those files with them can then help you get them more interested and help close the sale, as well.

Happy Selling! 🙂


One-on-One Sales Coaching

Sales Training

December 2nd, 2015

How to Brainstorm with a Group

Learning how to brainstorm with a group of people can improve productivity, employee morale and provide creative new ideas and solutions to problems. Brainstorming is meant to help you produce as many new ideas as possible to solve the problem at hand. When brainstorming it is important that you take in as many ideas as possible and save your criticism and evaluation of those ideas for later. Your group should feel like there are no bad ideas. By doing this, your group will stimulate each other and will be able to come up with more ideas.

How to Brainstorm with A Group: The Process

Before You Brainstorm

1. Define Your Purpose

Ask yourself, what do you want to walk out of the meeting with?

2. Choose Your Participants

Be sure to only choose as many participants as you can handle. The group should be small enough so that all participants have a chance to participate. A good brainstorming session can have 5-10 people.

3. Pick a New Environment

By choosing a new place to have a brainstorming session you are setting this meeting apart from other meetings. This will make it easier for the participants to suspend judgement.

4. Be Informal

Do what it takes to get your group relaxed. Suggest wearing comfortable clothes, taking off your tie or jacket and/or calling each other by first names. This will help with the flow of ideas.

5. Choose a Facilitator

Someone at the meeting needs to make sure the group stays on track, reinforces ground rules, stimulates the conversation by asking questions and that everyone gets a chance to speak.

During Your Brainstorming Session


1. Set the participants side by side facing the problem

People sitting side by side in a semicircle or facing a blackboard tend to respond to the problem depicted in front of them. They will tackle the common problem together. Opposed to facing each other and engaging in dialogue or argument.

2. Clarify the ground rules, include the no-criticism rule.

If the participants are strangers, begin with introductions. Then clarify the ground rules and make it clear that negative criticism of any kind is not tolerated. You may also want to state that the meeting is off the record and any ideas used will be anonymous.

3. Start Coming up with Ideas

Once the rules are clear and everyone is introduced. Start coming up with a list of ideas by allowing your facilitator to start asking questions. Write down every idea and make sure they are in full view for everyone to see. This will help stimulate other ideas and reduce the tendency to repeat ideas already stated.

After Brainstorming

1. Take a Break

It is important to let the ideas soak in for an hour or maybe even a day. So try to take a break, lunch or a full day before considering the ideas.

2. Mark Promising Ideas

Once you have taken a break, revisit the list of ideas and star the most promising ideas. Mark the ideas that members of the group think are best.

3. Invent New Ideas for Promising Ideas

Take one new promising idea at a time. Invent ways to make it better and more realistic while coming up with ways to make it a reality.

Brainstorming sessions free people to think creatively. This allows them to generate new creative solutions more easily. If you were asking who should receive a grammy, you would almost certainly come up with a better answer if you evaluated 100 contestants, rather than choosing one person right there on the spot.

The key to coming up with good solutions comes from choosing from a wide variety of options. Collective brainstorming creates opportunities for different ideas from varieties of perspectives, which can be discussed together as a team effort for more innovation and improvements to the overall brand.

Learn how to brainstorm with a group and you will be able to come up with a wide variety of options that you can use to solve common problems in sales and in life.