November 2nd, 2023

Why Salespeople Should Consider the Solar Industry


Did you know that every 24 hours, enough sunlight touches the Earth to provide energy for the entire planet for 24 years? No wonder solar energy has grown into a behemoth of an industry!

A greener alternative to the standard methods of energy generation, solar has become extremely popular in more environmentally conscious (and sunnier) parts of the world like California.

While once considered a fad by many, solar has become an established part of our energy production and one of the fastest growing industries of this decade.

There are many reasons for a salesperson to get into selling solar. In this blog, we will explore why you should lose your skepticism and provide you with the two best reasons for becoming a sales professional in the solar industry:

1. It makes business sense

Solar energy is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative industries in the world, especially within the energy sector. Within the past 10 years, it has grown in size multiple times and – at its current growth rate of 20% – it will double in size again within the next three-and-a-half years.

One of the main reasons for this exponential growth is it is becoming a lot cheaper to produce. It has become less expensive due to the inherent feedback loop caused by the growth of an industry (i.e. a product is first produced and sold, the demand for the product increases and supply increases with it).

Eventually, the economics of scale goes into effect and the revenue of production becomes greater than the cost, especially when they are able to afford ways to streamline the process, ultimately decreasing the price of production. This has also allowed it to become a lot more affordable, while also encouraging developers to innovate and improve their products, both of which contribute to its growth.

One of the other main reasons for its growth is financial and political support. Due to it becoming a more profitable industry, financiers have become more willing to invest. Furthermore, due to growing environmental concerns and the debate around renewable energy, many governments have opted to support solar energy. Bills have been passed to reduce the cost and encourage the growth of renewable energy. Even the housing market supports it as homes with solar panels installed on them are considered more valuable.

Due to its near-unprecedented level of growth – and the promise of continuous growth – it has become a hot industry for sales professionals to get into. It is an industry that is constantly looking for new talent with high-paying positions regularly available. Selling right now in the solar energy sector allows you to be at the forefront of the industry’s expansion and paves the way for your future success. It is also a rewarding business for sales professionals with positions consistently paying up to $120,000 a year and sometimes higher based on performance.

2. It makes environmental sense

The other big reason for becoming a solar energy salesperson is because it is good for the planet. Unlike coal and petroleum, it is a far cleaner option, producing zero carbon or any other greenhouse gasses. In fact, it does not use any other resource aside from the materials needed to build the panels.

Solar is also one of the safest forms of energy collection, unlike other forms which require large facilities with potentially dangerous moving parts, solar only requires the panels and installation. It is even safer than wind energy!

Most importantly, it is a renewable energy source as the sun is practically an infinite source of energy. By gathering this energy and using it to power our modern world, the problem of energy scarcity could become a thing of the past. Working as a salesperson in the solar industry can allow you to make a difference and be part of something greater than yourself.

October 13th, 2023

Analyze and Refine Your Sales Strategy


Whether you’re at a large company, a small firm, or out on your own, your sales strategy will play a large role in determining your level of success.

Given the vastness of the marketplace, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all sales strategy. An effective sales strategy is one that creates necessary guidelines for a salesperson to understand their goals and the actions they must take to achieve them.

And there are many things that can go wrong with a sales strategy, regardless of how much time and energy went into creating them. They can be over-complicated, too imprecise, or too rigid to apply to a specific set of circumstances. To iron out any flaws you may have in your current sales strategy and refine it down to its most effective parts, you first must conduct an in-depth analysis. Read on to learn how:

How To Analyze Your Sales Strategy

The purpose of a sales strategy analysis is to determine the goals of that strategy and how effective it is at reaching them. Typically, you should do this on a quarterly or even monthly basis. Typically, the first place you should look is revenue. If your revenues are falling, there’s a very good chance it’s due to an effective sales strategy.

In addition to revenue, you should also take good hard look at things like: What is your current financial growth rate? How much is your company spending? How many sales have you been
making? What is your closing rate? What is the average size of a sale? What does your pipeline look like? Are quotas being met? If there is a drop-off in any one of these areas, you may need to tweak or update your sales strategy.

Additionally, you should look at the market to see where you may be falling short. What are the standard metrics for a company your size? What trends are drawing in more customers? What sales strategies and techniques have more successful companies been using? Your competition may be doing something you are not.

Also try to bear in mind that the world might be changing in a way your is struggling to deal with. Keeping an eye on the national and international economic situation may help inform your decisions when it comes to refining your sales strategy.

Once you have gathered as much information as you can, study your existing sales strategy. Perhaps, you don’t need to throw the whole thing out and start over. Chances are your research will just have uncovered one or two areas where you need to make minor improvements that will yield huge results.

How To Refine Your Sales Strategy

The purpose of analysis is to see where problems lies while the purpose of refinement is to solve them. By taking everything into account – your company’s metrics, current trends, the world’s economic situation – and relating them to your sales strategy, you can smooth out the rough edges that may be causing problems.

Perhaps you need to loosen up and replace an overly rigid strategy with one that is more flexible, laid-back, and empathetic? Maybe you just need to simplify your plan to make it easier for more people to implement? To truly refine your strategy, you must make a decision about what is most important to you.

As said by Michael LeBoeuf – author of Working Smart, The Millionaire in You, and The Perfect Business – “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”

While not all strategies are the same, they must all fulfill the needs of your clientele, or they will fail. This means being empathetic to the needs of your customer and following a customer- centric approach. While every other detail in how your strategy can better work for your company’s needs are important, it will become worthless if you don’t think of the customer first.

October 4th, 2023

What to do When You’re Not Giving Your Best Pitch


If you can get past the mixed metaphor, it’s important you understand that not every sales pitch is going to be a homerun. In fact, there is a chance that some will miss the mark so badly you’ll bean the mascot. No matter how hard you try, it is unrealistic to expect every pitch to be successful.

However, whether it be one-off mistakes you make on one pitch or systematic flaws that lower your chances of success on every pitch, there are ways to keep yourself in the game. First, it is important to recognize what these mistakes are and have a plan for how to overcome them. Here are some things to look out for as you refine your sales pitching skills:

Making Excuses

You need to understand that occasionally, a failed sales pitch is not your fault. Sometimes, you’re simply not able to provide what your client needs. Every salesperson has to work within the confines of what their company offers but even if your product is the best on the market, not everyone is necessarily going to want it.

Alternatively, they may be getting that product or service from somewhere else at a price you can’t match. It happens. You simply lack the ability to compete on price and you’re out. The worst thing you can do in this situation is to lie or pressure them into spending more than they should. They may go along with it when you’re face to face, but they will regret it later and this will cost you business down the road.

A failed pitch could also be due to something that is completely out of your control. Sometimes people are just in bad moods and nothing you say can change that. Just accept that you did your best and move on. You can always follow up with them after they’ve had a chance to cool down.

One caveat here is that you don’t start making excuses for every unsuccessful pitch. Make sure you’re taking a good hard look in the mirror before you start evaluating other possible influences on the situation.


Have you ever met someone who didn’t take anything seriously and was too casual for their own good? In a professional setting, people like this can be off-putting to the point of being deal breakers. More often than not, a sales rep acting unprofessionally during a pitch kills the deal. After all, if you’re not taking things seriously, why should they?

Dress appropriately for any face-to-face meetings and respect your customer’s time by being punctual and concise. Be friendly but not over-familiar and most importantly, show how much their business means to you by being prepared.

Too Self-Focused

During a sales pitch, it can be tempting to talk about yourself and what your product can do. That’s not to say you shouldn’t talk about yourself or your product at all, but you’ve got to read the room. Sure, you need to instill confidence that you and your product can deliver but try to do it in moderation. Less is definitely more when it comes to pitching success. The last thing you want them to think is that you’re trying too hard to impress or persuade them.

Matt Heinz, founder of Heinz Marketing, said: “Filter everything you’re doing, saying and pitching through the customer’s point of view, and you’ll improve just about every metric you care about today.”

What this means is instead of talking about yourself all the time, you need to listen to what they say their needs are. In fact, if at any point you start to feel your customer is losing interest, you should always steer the conversation back towards them. People love talking about themselves and this will give you a chance to work your way back into the conversation. Then, thanks to all of the extensive pre-meeting research you did, you’ll be in a much better place to answer some of their concerns.

Lacking Confidence or Grace

While you may be doing everything right on paper, there’s a chance something’s wrong with the vibe you give off in person. For instance, if you come across as overly aggressive, your prospect or customer might feel unduly pressured. Or, if you are nervous or jittery, that might take that to mean you don’t have any confidence in what you’re selling.

Though this may sound like a small detail, it isn’t. People buy from people they like and people like dealing with confident and well-prepared professionals. To be successful in sales, you must be self-aware and know how you come across to other people.

Exuding competence and a sense of being in control will help your customer relax which will make them more likely to buy from you even if you’re not giving your best pitch.

September 20th, 2023

How To Move Up in Your Career


Have you ever felt like you’ve been working your tail off for what seems like forever for a company but have nothing to show for it?

Perhaps, a coworker is getting all the higher paying projects and the promotions that you feel should be yours?

Not to put too fine a point on it, it stinks!

However, if this is something that keeps happening to you, it may not be your boss’ or your company’s fault. Ultimately, you might just be the thing that is holding you back from reaching your full potential.

In truth, there could be any number of reasons why you’re not getting to where you think you should be. But there are also many ways to pull yourself out of the slump. Read on to learn how you can move up in your career:

Assess Your Situation

The first thing you should do is try to figure out what your specific problem is with the company you’re working for or the customers you’re working with. While sometimes the issue can lie with you, it is important to look at every factor to decide what the real issue is.

As the old saying goes, just because you tend to be a little paranoid, that doesn’t mean somebody isn’t out to get you.

Perhaps you’re doing absolutely everything right, but you still can’t get ahead. It is important to look at the factors outside of your control. It could be as simple as the luck of the draw, that someone got picked instead of you for no particular reason. There could be practical reasons like a tightening budget or downsizing but sometimes, you just get dealt a bad hand. It’s the luck of the draw.

But even in these situations, there is still something you can do. You can adjust your expectations but continue to pursue those promotions and projects. You just never know when your hard work is going to get noticed and the boss will give you an opportunity.

Sometimes, however, you may just have to face up to the fact that the company you’re with isn’t capable of giving you what you want. Like it or not, you may just have to move on to give yourself a chance of reaching your full potential.

That said, it can be a clever idea to talk to your boss about your concerns and see what they have to say. Rather than guess what the issue is, they may just come right out and tell you.

Raise Your Game

One thing that is important to realize is talent alone is not going to get you what you want. If you’re able to complete your work in two-thirds the time of your teammate, most bosses will only see that you’re coworker is putting in more hours than you.

Rather than aiming to complete the task in less time, you have to play the game and do more work in the same amount of time. While this seems unfair – and it is – it is the way the game is played, and you need to accept that fact.

Moreover, you must also be willing to push yourself beyond where you are now. Coasting through the day only doing what is expected of you is not going to make you stand out. Never forget one simple fact: The place where you work is a business and if you want to get more than the person next to you, you must produce more than that person.

Push yourself to do more. Work harder and do more than is required. Take the initiative and go after those more challenging tasks. Manage your time wisely and eventually your numbers will speak for themselves.

Have A Plan

It is important to think strategically and to have a plan for where you want to be. Set goals that include day-to-day milestones as well as the ultimate goal you hope to achieve.

Opportunities and curveballs may push and pull you in different directions but having a plan will allow you to keep pushing forward in the right direction even on your worst days.

At some point, you may decide to your plan needs to change because it’s not getting you any closer to your ultimate goal. While this is not an ideal situation, it will at least make sure you don’t keep spinning your wheels at a company that is never going to get you where you want to go.

September 14th, 2023
Labor of Love

Is Sales Your Labor of Love?

Labor of Love

To know if someone truly loves what they do, ask them if they’d do it for free. A labor of love is something that is incredibly personal to each individual person, as it is something that they would do and enjoy doing, even if it is something they wouldn’t be paid to do. It is something heavily predicated on one’s interests and can be done for a number of reasons. From personal connection, continuing a legacy, a deep passion for the craft, or just because it’s fun.

This same desire to do what you love, despite the cost, can – and often does – apply to selling. You could be born to be a salesperson, even if it’s a venture that would only give you dimes at a time. While financial gain is a critical part of sales, there are many reasons why someone would want to pursue sales, whether it be for their career or something adjacent to their career. Read on to learn the reasons why sales can be your labor of love.

You Love to Serve Others

Perhaps you would love to be a salesperson because you like to help others? Often, a salesperson can be perceived as someone who is selfish, only in it for themselves or worse, they are a con artist skirting with legal limits. However, the best salespeople are, in a way, servants. They engage with their clients, listen to their problems, and work with them to come up with a solution. This transaction, if done fairly and honestly, will ultimately add a significant level of value to both of their lives. This especially applies if you’re selling something that you truly believe in. That feeling and desire to add value to someone else’s life can be the thing that drives you to be a salesperson.

Furthermore, sales can allow you to make long lasting relationships. Customers are more often drawn toward salespeople who have a servant attitude which makes them more likely to return. This will often create a loop that will develop into a relationship that only the salesperson and the client has. Sales can also allow you to meet a whole host of people, from clients of various different backgrounds to different salespeople and even various people you meet when you travel. If you are a people person with a passion to serve others, sales may be the career to look into.

You Love to Face Challenges and Reach Your Goals

Your passions could also lie in the art of sales itself. The sales process can be something that is appealing and draw you in. However, the main reason why someone would love the process is often because of the sense of accomplishment they get after overcoming challenges and reaching their goals. Usually, this means the type of person who thrives in sales is goal-oriented or competitive. This type of person makes it their life’s work to get as far as possible and they are love putting in the hard work it takes to get there.

Canadian writer and philosopher, Matshona Dhliwayo, said: “One who conquers the sea today is ready to conquer the ocean tomorrow.”

While it is important to know when to slow down and have good work-life balance, your work in sales can be an exciting career where your day-to-day accomplishments lead to greater challenges and greater successes. If you’re the type of person who likes pushing themselves to accomplish great things, sales could be that vessel or you.

You Love to Share What You Care About

Finally, even if your passions don’t lie in sales, they can still be used to help pursue your passions. If you’re a creative type, a craftsperson, or even an inventor, you may have something that you want to share with the rest of the world. While you don’t necessarily have to sell it, sales is an avenue to share it with a broader audience and can help support your passions.

Being able to show the world what you’ve made can grant you the satisfaction of adding something meaningful to the world and a sense of recognition and validation for what you love. While money shouldn’t be as important for your labor of love, it can also allow you to live off your passions and focus all your time on them.