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Three Common Mistakes Made By Rookie Salespeople

May 28th, 2024

Three Common Mistakes Made By Rookie Salespeople

When it comes to any profession, there will always be new up and comers, fired up just to be in the industry. Despite their enthusiasm, those newcomers will be sure to face many challenges and make many mistakes.

Making mistakes is nothing to be ashamed of as it is a part of the learning process and it is something that happens to everyone, even those on a significantly higher skill level. That said, it is still better to know what mistakes to look out for and to be mindful of the challenges you may face, than going in blindly and learning to resolve these mistakes the hard way.

With all that said, there are many common mistakes salespeople will make at one time or another early in their careers. Knowing what they are and knowing what steps to take to prevent them can grant you an edge in becoming a better salesperson. Below are some of the biggest mistakes made by new salespeople:

Lack of Communication and Relationship Building

A common mistake made by a lot of amateur salespeople is sounding robotic and disinterested. A lot of new salespeople will try to copy the talking points and the style of the classes they took or the books they read. While those are great for understanding the basics, they should not be followed one to one when it comes to the moment-to-moment discussion with a client.

One of the major elements of selling is having a conversation with a client and with any form of communication, it is not something you handle like it is a bullet-point checklist. In conversation, there needs to be a sense of flow with both parties going back and forth. It is important to be able to speak at the same wavelength as your client. This could include avoiding using jargon and talking in a more relaxed fashion or talking in a more professional and formal manner.

But one of the most critical elements of communication is that you listen. A lot of new salespeople will talk too much and try to just sell the product to them. In a lot of cases, potential clients will be put off if it sounds like someone is trying to sell them something. Instead of trying to focus on the sale, focus on the client and their needs.

Ultimately, the most important part of being a salesperson is understanding that it is not about you or the company, it is all about the client. Instead of trying to get them to buy as much as they can, it is important to build a relationship with them. Yes, it may not get the big sale that you want right away, but over time your clients will want to come back and buy from you because you respect them and their time.

Being Ill-Prepared

The next important thing about being a salesperson is to be prepared, but a lot of new salespeople do not know what to be prepared for. There are many general ways that a person can be prepared for a sales pitch. Having a full understanding of what your service is and what it can do can make it easier to answer most questions that come your way. It also helps to have an understanding of the common or even obscure problems that your product or service can help solve. Even if you are not able to answer every question, knowing where to look for those answers and knowing where to direct your clients will make the process run smoother for everyone and make your client more inclined to invest.

But being prepared does not end at knowing everything that you have to offer, but also the problems they may be facing. While it is important to know the possible problems, doing research on who your client is and what specific problems they are facing can give you an edge during a sales pitch. It shows you care about their needs and that you are able to provide them the solution to their specific problems. This also includes knowing their history, staff, and everything that could be helpful to tailoring your pitch to them.

Finally, it is important to be prepared to give a sales pitch in the first place. It is important for a salesperson to be properly dressed, groomed, and on time. While not quite as common as a mistake, it is tempting for those with less experience to be more laisse faire than they ought to be. Know what kind of people you are going to be meeting and dress accordingly with all of the equipment you will need for your sales pitch.

Giving and Promising Too Much

Finally, it is important not to give too much information too soon or to promise more than you can offer. When giving a sales pitch, it can be tempting to tell them everything about your product or service and sometimes about the industry. The logic those who do this follow would be that they want to make their client make an informed decision. However, it can often overwhelm the client and make them feel less interested. Additionally, you might give them advice that makes your deal less appealing. Do not overwhelm your client or act as a sales consultant, tell them the fundamentals in your pitch and answer whatever questions they may have.

Promising too much or upselling your client can also make you and your company look bad. This includes making deals you are not qualified to give, trying to convince them to buy something they do not need, saying your service will do something it cannot, or even lying to them about a deal that does not exist. Stick to what you know your service can do and what you know your client wants.